Can Divorce Mediation Really Work for My Case?


You may have concerns if divorce mediation will work for your case, especially if you and your spouse are having difficulties communicating as it is. There are so many options available now to think over when it comes to resolving a divorce, and each situation is not a one-size-fits-all. Creating effective resolutions can often be…

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Divorce Mediation and Future Co-Parenting Issues That Arise


Divorce Mediation is a well-suited tool for the needs of couples willing to work towards finding common ground rather than fighting each other. Divorce Mediator, Hugh O’Donnell, has over four decades of experience helping people secure effective resolutions in all types of family law matters. Those matters may include but are not limited to; divorce,…

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Collaborative Divorce Allows Couples to Keep Control in Their Hands


Collaborative divorce gives couples the time and space to be able to avoid courtroom battles and avoid bitterness towards each other. The collaborative method presents the opportunity for spouses to work together to create unique solutions for their divorce needs. If you and your spouse are willing to try and work together, the collaborative divorce…

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Collaborative Divorce Brings Interdisciplinary Approach to Divorce


The collaborative divorce process is an interdisciplinary approach to divorce because of its nature. We bring together a team of highly qualified professionals to help guide and support you through the divorce process. In collaborative divorce, each spouse has an attorney who helps the parties reach an agreement, rather than engage in an adversarial process.…

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How is Divorce Mediation Different from Collaborative Divorce


The Missouri Supreme Court defines divorce mediation as “a process in which a neutral third party facilitates communications between the parties to promote settlement.” By utilizing family divorce mediation and/or the collaborative divorce method, you can avoid further disagreements by working together to make the best decisions possible for all parties involved. The divorce process…

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Collaborative Divorce – The Process


Collaborative divorce is a peaceful divorce solution to an otherwise traditionally court-litigated divorce. Many couples turn to the collaborative divorce method instead of turning the end of their marriage into a struggle. If you and your spouse are willing to try and work together, the collaborative divorce process might be the right for you. A…

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Divorce Mediation, what are The Advantages?


Divorce mediation has many advantages that might be helpful to your family, regardless of the legal matters involved with your situation. Finding common ground rather than fighting each other utilizing divorce mediation allows you and your spouse to create effective resolutions for your family’s future. Divorce mediation is a proven effective alternative to the traditional…

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What to Expect when working with a Collaborative Divorce Attorney


As a collaborative divorce attorney, I have helped many couples through the divorce process and even more that wish to discuss how collaborative divorce works. A collaborative divorce is not like a traditional divorce or even mediation.  Collaborative attorneys representing you and your spouse will help the two of you to work together to reach…

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What is Divorce Mediation?

The Missouri Supreme Court defines divorce mediation as “a process in which a neutral third party facilitates communications between the parties to promote settlement.” Divorce mediation helps people resolve the most problematic disputes and is an especially well-suited tool for the needs of those facing family law issues. Working with an experienced mediator can help…

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Collaborative Divorce: Providing Solutions

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Collaborative divorce provides solutions for couples finding it difficult to communicate and reach a final divorce settlement. The collaborative method gives spouses the time and space to learn effective communication skills in order to work together to create unique solutions to their divorce needs. In collaborative divorce, each spouse has an attorney who helps them…

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