How Collaborative Divorce Can Save Time and Money


Collaborative divorce offers a peaceful alternative to the traditional court-litigated approach. It involves an interdisciplinary team of professionals who support and guide the couple throughout the process and understand and empathize with their unique situation. This method fosters cooperation between spouses, resulting in a mutually crafted resolution that serves the best interests of the entire…

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Finding the Right Divorce Mediator: Tips and Considerations


Finding a qualified divorce mediator who can compassionately and professionally handle your mediation process is essential to the longevity of your divorce agreement. While the mediation process only takes a few months, the divorce will last a lifetime. Whether you have children or not, finding the right divorce mediator in Kansas City can be a…

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Collaborative Divorce Provides a More Discreet Divorce Option


Collaborative Divorce, a unique and advantageous alternative to traditional divorce, offers significant benefits such as cost and time savings, reduced stress, and most importantly, the ability to keep your divorce proceedings confidential. This means your personal details are protected from public scrutiny, and only you, your spouse, and your collaborative divorce team are privy to…

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Meet A Divorce Mediation Expert with Decades of Experience


Divorce Mediation with an experienced divorce mediator means your divorce will be guided by knowledge and a tried-and-true process to help you and your spouse work effectively through your unique issues. Kansas City Divorce Mediator Hugh F. O’Donnell has assisted families for over 40 years. When Can Mediation Be Utilized In A Divorce or Other…

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Collaborative Divorce is Equally Valuable for Couples Without Children As It Is For Couples With Children


The benefits of Collaborative Divorce exist whether children are involved in the equation. The reduced stress, professional support, and privacy of a collaborative divorce make it an excellent divorce option for Kansas City couples. Why Choose Collaborative Divorce? With this method, each spouse has an attorney who helps the parties reach an agreement rather than…

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How Do I Determine If Divorce Mediation Would Work for Me?


Divorce Mediation by Hugh F. O’Donnell Family Law in Kansas City helps couples resolve even the most challenging disputes. Divorce mediation is a well-suited tool to address the needs of any couple or family, whether a childless couple, a family with children who are minors, or those whose children have already grown into adults. Working…

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How Do I Know if Collaborative Divorce is Right For Me?


Collaborative Divorce is only one of several options offered by Attorney Hugh F. O’Donnell in Kansas City. It could be right for you if you are looking for a less expensive, more civil, and less stressful divorce process. Each spouse selects their own counsel to advocate on their behalf. Couples are not left feeling alone…

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Divorce Mediation — Valuable for Couples With or Without Children


Divorce Mediation expert Attorney Hugh F. O’Donnell helps clients throughout the Kansas City metro area approach divorce in a resolution-driven manner. Divorce mediation is a powerful approach for clients with and without children as we work together to create effective resolutions for each couple’s unique circumstances. What Are the Benefits of Divorce Mediation? Mediation has…

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What You Should Know About Collaborative Divorce


In a Collaborative Divorce, the couple’s or family’s needs are kept at the forefront of all proceedings. With an experienced team behind you, like Hugh F. O’Donnell Family Law in Kansas City, you can rest assured that your divorce proceedings will be handled privately and professionally. How Does Collaborative Divorce Work? To begin with, each…

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Why Is Divorce Mediation Better Than Going To Court?


Divorce Mediation is an excellent topic after we have just recognized Divorce With Respect Week™ here in Kansas City. Divorce With Respect Week™ was held March 4-8, 2024, and is an initiative led by divorce professionals to raise awareness for collaborative divorce options. Hugh F. O’Donnell Family Law practices Divorce Mediation in the Kansas City…

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