Collaborative Divorce: Avoid Bitterness & Courtroom Battles

Collaborative Divorce #382357199 (AdobeStock) Hugh O'Donnell

Collaborative divorce gives couples the time and space to be able to avoid courtroom battles and avoid bitterness towards each other. It is a peaceful alternative to a traditionally litigated divorce, and many couples are turning to the collaborative method instead of turning the end of their marriage into a fight. If you and your…

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Divorce Mediator: A Leader In Divorce And Family Law Mediation

Divorce Mediator (Client Photo) Hugh O'Donnell

Divorce mediator, Hugh. F. O’Donnell, is a leader in the fields of divorce and family law mediation. He began doing divorce and family law mediation years ago when it was a rarity, when few were exploring those options. He has taken and presented many advanced mediation trainings and have ears the respect of the courts…

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