protecting best interests
Divorce mediation is an increasingly popular option for couples looking to dissolve their marriage while maintaining privacy in the Kansas City metro area. Unlike public court proceedings, mediation is…
Read MoreCollaborative divorce is a peaceful alternative to a traditionally court-litigated divorce, and many couples are turning to the collaborative method instead of turning the end of their marriage into a…
Read MoreDivorce mediation is well-suited for couples who have children because it helps children see their parents working together in a peaceful manner to create the best possible solutions for their…
Read MoreDivorce litigation can be difficult for families, but there might be a better solution through divorce mediation. Family matters such as divorce, child custody and other issues can be incredibly…
Read MoreCollaborative divorce in Kansas City might be the best option for you when choosing between mediation and collaborative divorce. The main difference between mediation and collaborative divorce, is that in collaborative…
Read MoreThe collaborative divorce lawyer in the Kansas City Metro Area with the most experience is Hugh O’Donnell. As a divorce attorney with more than 40 years’ experience in family law…
Read MoreHugh O’Donnell, mediator and collaborative divorce attorney, helps people craft divorce agreements that are better for them in both the short and long terms. By using family mediation and/or the collaborative divorce…
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