Divorce Mediation: What To Expect
Divorce mediation is an opportunity for the parties involved in a divorce to address all disputes within the case. With the aid of a skilled mediator, they can reduce the significant financial and emotional costs often associated with litigation. Mediators are helpful as they assist in communication and explore available settlement options. They do not tell the parties involved how they should settle their case, but only discuss the ways in which both parties can settle disputes on their own terms.
While discussed in a controlled environment, divorce mediation is known to be successful as both parties have the opportunity to address any conflict, and be able to see the other parties’ perspective. Divorce mediation is preferred over costly courts battles. There is no one-size-fits-all timing when using a mediator. Some choose to mediate before securing legal representation, while others wait until further in to the process.

Six Components of the Mediation Process
When going through divorce mediation, you’ll initially meet to discuss how the process will work going forward, boundaries to work within, and information that needs gathering such as financial information, including life insurance policies, bank and mortgage statements, and tax returns. Next, you’ll discuss all legal rules regarding your case as they vary from state-to-state and can make a difference when it comes to child custody.
Mediators will help each party understand conflicting priorities, concerns, interests, and goals to come to a joint resolution that both parties will be able to live with. Most commonly, these interests are child custody and support, debt division, and alimony (spousal support). The focus here is to make sure the most important aspects of the case are addressed early on so effective resolution can happen. You’ll then have a time of negotiating any other areas of interest with varying settlement options.
When all disputes are resolved and settled, your lawyer will draw up a written settlement agreement to be signed by both parties and filed with the courts. Going through a divorce is not easy, however, with an experienced divorce mediator you have access to an outside party who is able to help you come to the best resolution possible for your case. If you do not have legal representation, the mediation offices of Hugh O’Donnell can assist you in filing the necessary papers and completing the court process. Contact Hugh O’Donnell today for a consultation to determine if divorce mediation is right for your case.