Collaborative Divorce: Well-Suited For Divorces With Children

Collaborative Divorce #267042883 (AdobeStock) Hugh O'Donnell

Collaborative divorce has many benefits, and is well-suited for divorces when children are involved. As a divorce attorney, I know the challenges that people face when it is time to divorce, and I know the good that collaborative divorce can do for people. The collaborative process is especially well-suited to divorces with children as it…

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Divorce Mediation: Finding Common Ground In Different Perspectives

Divorce Mediation #316839352 (AdobeStock) Hugh O'Donnell

Divorce mediation gives spouses time to find common ground in their differing perspectives, instead of fighting and creating a stalemate environment. Family law matters including divorce, child custody, and other issues can be incredibly difficult to resolve. Everyone has their own agendas and often conflicting sets of best interest. Being able to find common ground…

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