Divorce Litigation Hesitation? Divorce Mediation Could Be A Better Solution
Divorce litigation can be difficult for families, but there might be a better solution through divorce mediation. Family matters such as divorce, child custody and other issues can be incredibly difficult to resolve and conflicting agendas and ideas of what is in the family’s best interest increase tension. But creating effective resolutions can be achieved by finding common ground through divorce mediation, instead of fighting through divorce litigation.

Divorce Litigation May Not Be The Best Option For Your Family. Have You Thought About Divorce Mediation Instead?
Divorce mediation helps people to resolve the most intractable disputes. It is a well-suited tool for the needs of people facing family law issues as well as couples with significant financial issues. Working with an experienced divorce mediator can help you create the most direct path to securing the resolution you need.
There are many benefits that divorce mediation provides, that could be a better alternative to divorce litigation for your family. Automatically, divorce mediation is less expensive and takes less time than a court battle. Most people are weary of going through a divorce litigation because of the cost involved and a loss of control when it comes to the divorce, finances and parenting plan. Through divorce mediation, you keep the ultimate decision making power in you and spouse’s hands instead of ceding that power to a judge.
One of the best aspects of divorce mediation that could make it more beneficial to your family than divorce litigation, is in cases with children, it can help develop cooperation and peaceful resolution that could continue on long after the divorce is finalized. Being able to make decisions together helps to protect your children from unnecessary stress and shows that as parents, you are able to work together for the best future for your family.
For more than 40 years, I have been helping people work through the most difficult family law matters. I know the good that can come from the divorce mediation process and have the experience necessary as a mediator to be able to help you effectively work through the challenges that stand between you and the resolution that best suits your family’s needs. If you are in Kansas City and believe that divorce mediation is the better solution for your family, contact me, Hugh O’Donnell, today to schedule a consultation, and feel free to call me at (816) 533-5152 with any questions you have regarding divorce litigation and divorce mediation.