Collaborative Divorce: Dealing with Divorce During the Holidays

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Collaborative divorce, which emphasizes open communication and cooperation between spouses, can help navigate this difficult period. Dealing with divorce during the holidays can be emotionally challenging, especially if you have children. Many couples are turning to the collaborative divorce method instead of turning the end of their marriage into a fight. Collaborative divorce has been used to help couples solve very challenging situations.

Collaborative divorce is about finding amicable solutions for both parties and, most importantly, the children, if applicable. While the holidays can be emotionally charged, approaching them with empathy, flexibility, and a child-centered focus can help make the transition smoother for everyone involved.
A collaborative divorce lawyer utilizes their experience to help you and your spouse by developing a holiday plan. The collaborative team can help you find a resolution even when you have very different perspectives. Collaborative divorce has been used to help couples solve very challenging situations. Our collaborative divorce team can help you find a holiday plan that works for the children and you.
Here are just a few items that a collaborative team can assist a couple with addressing before the holidays arrive through the collaborative process.
  • Planning: Discuss holiday plans well before the actual holiday.
  • New Traditions: Creating new holiday traditions or modifying existing ones to accommodate the changes in your family dynamics. This can help reduce the emotional impact of divorce on you and your children.
  • Communication: Discuss holiday expectations, such as gift-giving, scheduling, and how to plan to share time with the children.
  • Be Child-Centered: Prioritize the children’s well-being during the holidays.
  • Celebrate at Different Times: If sharing the holiday itself is too challenging, consider celebrating on different days.
The collaborative divorce process offers many benefits to those facing divorce. For over 40 years, I have helped clients work through their divorce issues, and I can help you use the collaborative process to secure the outcomes you need. If you are in Kansas City and would like more information on collaborative divorce,
contact Hugh O’Donnell today to schedule a consultation, or feel free to call me at (816) 533-5152 with any questions you have about your case.