Modification of Custody & Support Orders
Explore Your Modification of Custody & Support Order Options
Many times after a custody or support order is entered, whether it be a divorce case or paternity case, circumstances change which require changes in that order. For instance, circumstances may change such that the parenting schedule needs changed. There also may be a significant change of circumstances which requires change in the amount of child support. These matters can be dealt with either through litigation, mediation, or collaborative law. I will help you explore your options.
Sometimes modification of custody and support orders can be accomplished through one of the alternative dispute resolution processes; namely, mediation or collaborative law. Mediation can be utilized if both parties are willing to participate in mediation to address the issues. In that process, the parties may choose to each have counsel, or to proceed with out counsel. The collaborative process can be used when both parties have attorneys who are experienced in the collaborative process, and the parties are willing to use that process to resolve their issues. these processes can be used even if the issues are difficult and emotional, but the parties are willing to work to resolve those issues.