Family Mediation

Family Mediation Services

Divorce mediation is sometimes referred to as family mediation. For the most part, it involves mediation for a couple who is getting divorced and helps them address and reach an agreement on the many issues of their divorce. Family mediation could also involve a dispute among family members after the death of a loved one about how to divide assets of the deceased

Benefits Of Using A Skilled Mediator

Family mediation in the divorce context, as stated above, involves a mediator assisting the couple in discussing in resolving all of the issues in their divorce. Those issues would include parenting issues where there are children, division of assets and debts, and other financial issues. Divorce is a significant and highly emotional event in anyone’s life who’s going through it. That makes discussions regarding those issues to the divorce, very difficult. However, a skilled mediator can manage those conversations and, almost always help the parties explore options and reach agreements on all issues. This saves the parties significant time and money. The parties in that situation are not under the timeframe of the court system, but they control the timeframe themselves.

A Leader In The Mediation Field

Over the past 25 years I, Attorney Hugh F. O'Donnell, have helped thousands of couples resolve the issues in their case, and prepared and filed the paperwork for them to accomplish a divorce. Approximately 90% of all couples who come to me are able to resolve all of their issues. I have never had a couple walk out of mediation and say that they wish they had left the decision up to a Judge. On the other hand, I’ve seen many couples walk out of a court room after a trial, and neither one of them are pleased that they had gone to court.

Schedule A Family Mediation Consultation

If you are in the difficult circumstance of facing a divorce, but are greatly concerned about the horror stories which you have heard about costs of getting a divorce, perhaps mediation is a better option for you. If you would like to explore this option further, it would be my privilege to discuss that option with you and your spouse and give you more details and answer any questions you may have.

To schedule a consultation, call 816-533-5152 or contact me online.
