Collaborative Divorce: The Advantages of Reaching a Divorce Agreement
Collaborative divorce is an alternative resolution process, and many advantages exist for families who choose this method. The collaborative divorce process benefits couples seeking to end their marriages with a positive, teamwork approach. By working together, collaborative divorce creates a lasting and robust resolution that you and your spouse make for the benefit of your family.
If you and your spouse are willing to work together, even if you and your spouse have different perspectives on matters, the collaborative team can help you come to a resolution. For this process to work properly, couples must enter into a legal agreement with their attorneys to resolve all the divorce issues without heading into traditional litigation. Child custody, child support, spousal support, and property division questions will all be discussed, and unique solutions can be created to solve these issues. Collaborative divorce can also bring in other professionals, such as financial planners, to help deal with the financial aspects and a divorce coach or mental health professional who assists in reducing stress and improving the efficiency of communication between spouses. Understanding and communicating each other’s needs is essential in this process.
Through collaborative divorce, you can keep the decision-making power in your own hands instead of giving that power to a judge who doesn’t even know you. There are many other advantages to this process including:
- Reduced Conflict
- Control Over the Process
- Privacy
- Less Stress
- Customized Solutions
- Efficiency
- Cost Savings
- Child-Centered Approach
- Preservation of Relationships
- Learning Communication and Problem-Solving Skills
- Minimized Emotional Toll
It’s important to remember that collaborative divorce may not suit every situation. Other divorce options might be more appropriate if there is a history of abuse, extreme power imbalances, or an unwillingness to cooperate. When going through a divorce, it often feels like your life is spiraling out of control, but the collaborative method gives you control over the divorce process and the outcome.
Collaborative divorce frequently requires several group meetings to reach a mutually agreeable settlement. Once the terms have been agreed upon, the attorneys will draft a settlement agreement for both parties to sign. The judge then signs the settlement agreement, becoming the final divorce judgment. Hugh O’Donnell has been helping couples gain the benefits of collaborative divorce in Kansas City since 2001, when he introduced the process to Missouri and Kansas, as well as training other attorneys in the process. If you feel collaborative divorce may be right for you, contact Hugh F. O’Donnell Family Law at (816) 533-5152 to schedule a consultation.